17/02/2023 PASS Forum at Blackwood

Arriving at Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre (Blackwood) is an exciting experience.

Arriving at Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre (Blackwood) is an exciting experience.  For some it is a common destination, for others an introduction to a whole new educational experience and way of thinking in the fact that they may have never had the opportunity to visit, or they haven’t had the availability for a very long time. 

For our PASS members and their guests there was no difference, their arrival at Blackwood signified the beginning of a new and exciting journey for them, their students and their staff.  It was an experience that opened doors and allowed all participants to gain a real insight into how Blackwood is evolving as a Special School and what Blackwood with a unique curriculum can offer their students.

Through open conversation and presentations our PASS members and guests learnt about the Blackwood curriculum and discovered how this can further challenge and enhance student outcomes. 

They also gained an understanding of how the Blackwood Staff can support their staff and students in planning, designing, and implementing a program specifically tailored to challenge and extend the comfort zones of their students.

With this knowledge, our PASS members and guests were then asked to extend their own comforts by immersing themselves in the Blackwood experience and actively engage in lessons within the Blackwood curriculum.  Without hesitation, but maybe with some trepidation our PASS members and guests went outside and found themselves participating in high ropes, bouldering, archery and orienteering. 

Not only did this help everyone comprehend Blackwood lessons, but it also offered them an opportunity to bond, laugh, smile, encourage, support, engage, and question while comprehending the possibilities offered at Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre the only Outdoor Residential School in the State of Victoria that is exclusively available to the Victorian Special Education Sector.


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